Last 7 days report
Below we show the most outstanding seismic information of the last 7 days.
A total of 11 earthquakes associated with the main geological faults of the region were recorded.
*Only earthquakes with magnitude greater than or equal to 2 are reported.
Position your mouse over the epicenters and click for more information.
A total of 11 earthquakes associated with the main geological faults of the region were recorded.
*Only earthquakes with magnitude greater than or equal to 2 are reported.
Position your mouse over the epicenters and click for more information.
Reportes de Sismicidad
Reporte preliminar autómatico.
Estos datos no han sido revisados. -
Actividad sísmica registrada durante los últimos 7 días.
Actividad sísmica de la región registrada durante los últimos 30 días.
Reporte del CICESE Unidad La Paz.
Sismicidad reportada por el Servicio Sismológico Nacional, Instituto de Geofísica, UNAM.
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